How to Get Involved in Practically Anything

At First Church Natick, there is no shortage of ways to participate in the life of this church community – and to extend our ministry of justice and joy into the world.  How do you discover where your deep gladness intersects with deep needs in the world and this church? Check out this overview of opportunities at First Church. Get involved and see what you discover.


Learn about Upcoming Events - Contact: Church Office (; 508-653-0971)

The easiest way to learn about what's going on at First Church Natick is to receive our weekly email blast. In addition, schedules member updates and other special information about First Church are printed in our monthly newsletter, the Good Word, and our Sunday bulletin. Please contact the church office to be included in the mailing or distribution lists for the weekly email blast or our monthly newsletter. 


Serve within the Church

Whether you have a half hour before worship or you are tech geek or you have a tendency to mass-produce cookies or would love to get down on the floor and play with our wee ones, we would be blessed by the gifts you want to share.


Serve outside the Church - Contact: Jeanette Szretter (; 508-655-0570)

Check out these hands-on, short-term and long term service opportunities to connect faith and action.


Sign-up for Programs for Children - Contact: Sarallyn Keller (508-653-0971;

Come and try us out. Pre-registration is not required.  As soon as you are ready, please fill out a registration form to allow us to serve your child and family better. Send it to the office (2 East Central St., Natick, MA 01760), or bring it on Sunday.


Sign-up for Programs for Youth Grades 7 - 12 - Contact: Sarallyn Keller (508-653-0971; 

First church Natick offers youth groups for grades 7 - 9 and grades 10 - 12. Additional programming is also offered.


Experience our Music Programs - Contact Adult Choir Director: Tom Foster (

Music is the heart and soul not only of worship at First Church but also in our life together. Everyone at FCC can find a place in the music program through choir, our children's program, or offering your special talent.  We actively encourage everybody "to make a joyful noise."


Discover Adult and Intergenerational Opportunities - Contact:  Sarallyn Keller (508-653-0971;

Faith exploration for adults and fellowship events are offered on a variety of topics and formats throughout the year.  Let us know your interests!


Join the Church - Contact:  Sarallyn Keller (508-653-0971;

Take your time and explore, but when you are ready, we are waiting to celebrate your decision of join our congregation!


Add a Name to our Prayer List - Contact: Church office (508-653-0971; or Sarallyn Keller (508-653-0971;

Each week FCC creates a prayer list that appears in our bulletin. Prayers are offered during the service. And Our Prayer and Care continues those  prayer. In addition, if you join us on Sunday morning, you are invited to write your prayer request in the book on the prayer table to the right of the pulpit. You will also find prayer candles to light.


Consider a financial pledge 

The financial contributions of our members and friends support our many ministries. You can place an offering in the plate every Sunday, but your pledge allows our church to budget responsibily. Contact the office: (508-653-0971;