Get Connected

Please connect with others from FCC Natick through:


In-Person Worship (Sundays at 10:30 AM)


Digital Worship


Digital Connections and Conversations






Only a few aspects of our life together require membership, but those areas are important and are at the heart of how we understand the journey of faith.  In our tradition, the members of the congregation make the decisions that shape our life together.  Membership is also required for church officers and participation in our leadership council.


We believe that church membership provides a unique opportunity to live more fully in faith, but membership is a personal and a spiritual decision. Some folks choose not to join, but everyone's participation is valued and respected.


New members join our congregation about three or four times a year during Sunday morning worship. Our pastor welcomes the chance to meet with prospective new members and learn more about what they are seeking in a new church home.


We also offer an informal opportunity called Conversations. Or join us for a relaxing Newcomer/New Member Brunch to offer newcomers and those contemplating membership a broader perspective of the church.


Leadership Opportunities


FCC Natick relies on the talents of many leaders serving both in elected and volunteer positions.


The Coordinating Council consists of elected coordinators and officers who are active members of the congregation. The Council represents and acts on behalf of the congregation as a decision-making and policy-setting body between congregational meetings.  They bring to a congregational meeting any issues which are core to the ministry and mission of the congregation or which are potentially controversial.


Each coordinator represents one of eight ministry areas. Those teams provide oversight for Building and Grounds, Christian Formation, Finance, Outreach, Trustees, Welcome, Worship and Congregational Care.  Coordinators and Team Leaders are elected at our Annual Meeting at the end of January.  Within each of these ministry areas are many opportunities to participate on either an ongoing or a task-focused basis.


For more information about serving as a coordinator or team leader, contact the church office (508-653-0971 or and a member of the Leadership Development Team will help you match your interests with opportunities.